Programming in Dart: Fundamentals

Learn the fundamental building blocks of Google’s open source programming language, Dart, the language for Flutter development. This course will teach you the fundamentals of Dart from logical operators to control flow. By Brian Moakley.

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Learning path

This is part of the Flutter Fundamentals learning path. View path.

Who is this for?

This course is written for people are new programming! If you don’t know the difference between loop or a switch, then you’ve come to the right place!

This course will teach you the basics of Dart from the ground up while also reviewing core concepts of programming in general.

Before starting, you should have watched Your First Flutter App or at least have some very basic knowledge of Dart. That is, how to create variables and if statements.

Covered concepts

  • Comments
  • Operators
  • Set Conditional Values
  • Lists
  • Null Safety

Part 1: Fundamentals

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Get started with Dart by getting an overview of the course, and then a break down at what will be covered in this part.

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Learn how to use Dartpad - an interactive tool for writing Dart code, then learning how comments work.

Learn how to use a Dart type called Booleans, which represent true or false values.

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Practice using booleans on your own, through a series of hands-on challenges.

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Learn how to use various logical and comparison operators in Dart to create Booleans.

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Build on your existing logical operators by using them to set conditional values. Also, meet the final modifier.

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Practice using logical operators on your own, through a series of hands-on challenges.

Conclusion 1:45
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Let’s review where you are with your Dart core concepts, and discuss what’s next.

Part 2: Introducing Collections & Null Safety

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Let’s review what you’ll be learning about collections and null safety, and why it’s important.

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Learn how to use lists in Dart to store an ordered list of values.

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See how to manipulate lists with their built-in methods.

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Practice using lists on your own, through several hands-on challenge.

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Learn about one of the most important values in Dart - a null value.

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Take your list skills to the next level by creating a new list based on certain conditions.

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Take your list skills to the next level by creating a new list based on certain conditions.

Conclusion 2:19
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In this final part of the course, you’ll reivew what was covered and what is coming next in your Dart learning journey.

Up next

Flutter & Dart
Programming in Dart: Control Flow & Collections
This course will build on the previous Programing with Dart course whereby you’ll learn how to manage control flow in your programs as well as explore several of the built in collection types.



Brian Moakley


Adriana Kutenko


Nicolai Martelle Manaloto

Video Editor

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